Draft Pattern for Easy Little Black Dress Womens


Well Everyone,

This is a project that I've been working on for months now. I had a thought of how nice it would be to have a library of pattern pieces that are completely interchangeable with each other. This would allow you to mix and match tops with different bottoms for any style of dress. Add sleeves or cut outs, whatever you wish. This knit bodice pattern is the first of the collection. I will be added more when I can and also included many tutorials on different variations that you can do with this first piece.

This pattern comes in 9 sizes, but because it's drafted for stretch fabrics it creates a really comfortable garment that accommodates all shapes! Make sure when printing this pattern to turn off your printers scale to fit as this will distort the sizing.

This pattern is used for knits only and works best with medium to heavy weight fabrics like Ponte or Double knit. Its super easy to sew and is perfect for beginners. I mostly used my serger when sewing this dress but you can also use a stretch stitch on your regular machine, more info on that here. This is the first of what I hope to be many pattern pieces and tutorials. I hope you get tons of use out of it.
Lots of Love!

Melanie oxoxox


Click here to download Bodice Pattern


  • 2 Meters of Medium Weight Knit Fabric, Double knit or Ponte works best (60" Width)
  • Thread
  • Circle Skirt Template
  • 1.5 Meters of 1/4" Elastic
  • Printer
  • Printer Paper
  • Scotch Tape

* If you would like a sleeve option for this dress it is available here

Pattern Assembly




I always start off my trimming off the bottom and right side of the pattern page. I find this makes it way easier when assembly PDF Patterns. To fully assemble the pages together, match up the quarter skirts with the same numbers (pictured above).



First assemble your pattern pages in rows and then piece those rows to each other, completing the number circles. Tape all your pages securely.




For your skirt waist template, trim off the top and left border of your page and cut along the curved line that matches your waist measurement.

If you are between sizes, go for the smaller one.


Sewing Instructions


For the bodice of this dress you will need the following pieces cut
1 Front Piece cut on Fold

2 Back Pieces
1 Circle Skirt (See Below)



Dress Bodice


With your back pieces placed right sides together, sew down the center back seam. Press seam to one side.


Placing right sides together, sew your front piece to your back piece at side and shoulder seams.


Cut out four pieces of 1/4" elastic. Two the length of your shoulder seams and two the length of your side seams. Place each piece of elastic on its corresponding seam and sew in place. Do not stretch the elastic as you sew, you want it to lie flat against the seam.





While your circle skirt is still folded up make a snips at the front/back of your skirt (it will be the side that was parallel with your selvage) and another snip at the side.


While making this this tutorial I accidentally cut my waist too big on my skirt. If you do this just trim away the excess on the sides of your circle skirt and sew up again to make it the correct measurement.



Match up the notches on your skirt with the center front, center back and side seams of the bodice piece. Pin and sew around the waist attaching the bodice to your skirt.




Cut a piece of 1/4" elastic the same measurement as your waist + 1". Pin the elastic around your waist seam overlapping the edges. You don't want to stretch the elastic, you just want it to lie nice and flat. Stitch is place. This will help hold up the heaviness of the skirt.




Overlock around the armholes and neckline. Press to shrink back anything that might have stretched out.


Turn under all raw edges ( Neckline, armholes and hem) a 1/4" and stitch using a narrow zig zag stitch.







This is my absolute favourite style of dress to sew and wear! It can be dressed up or down. This photo has it without the crinoline for a more casual style!


Pictured with Crinoline!



1/10/2016 08:03:56 am

What a lovely pattern!
Congrats on a job well done.
I think I might have to sew one up next weekend. :)

sandra dove

2/13/2018 10:21:53 am

i am sorry but i cannot download the pattern that way is thier any other way that can do it in pdf please love the dress thank you for the fre patern


1/12/2016 06:29:52 am

Loooove this tutorial and the dress!! But... how come the skirt part of the last two pictures is so extremely different? One elegant and the other one poufy?

Hi Bibi!
Thanks :) Both of the skirts are the same except the pouffy skirt has a crinoline under it to make it stand out!


1/14/2016 01:21:40 am

Crinoline? Like a petticoat or something? For my figure, without the pouffyness it's better. I hope to start with this project this weekend. Thanks a lot for the efforts for making the tutorial. Looks fool proof to me. :-)


1/14/2016 04:39:39 am

I would love to see a picture of your dress when it's finished!! Tag me in Facebook, or Instagram :) @thelittleststudio. Happy sewing :)


8/21/2016 08:14:44 am

Hi I'm making your dresses for my bridesmaids and I was wondering did you have a pattern for the crinoline


8/22/2016 05:37:32 am

Hi! No I don't have a tutorial, but I found a link to one that is very similar: http://dixiediy.com/2016/04/crinoline-petticoat-tutorial.html or as an alternative I know some bridal places will rent crinolines out to save some money!

Good luck and I would love to see the finished dresses! you can send pictures to thelittleststudio@gmail.com



1/17/2016 10:36:37 am

My serger isn't working at the moment. Is there a way to do this without a serger, and can I make it without the elastic? I assume the elastic is to give the shoulder seams, waist and armholes some strength? Would it work if I used interfacing and made a lining?


1/17/2016 11:03:50 am

You can definitely make this without a serger, just use one of the stitches mentioned in this post: http://www.thelittleststudio.com/1/post/2014/11/how-to-sew-knits-on-a-regular-sewing-machine.html

Also the dress can be made without the elastic, I added it because with a heavier fabric like I used I find the elastic just helps the dress keep it shape better. Interfacing wouldn't work quite as well because it limits the stretch thats needed to actually put the dress one, unless you used one especially for knits, but even then I can't guarantee how well it would turn out!

Good Luck!

Christine DANNEELS

1/20/2016 02:06:22 am

Thank you so much for that tutorial and the free patterns !


1/20/2016 02:55:00 am

You are very welcome! Thanks for stopping by :)


2/15/2016 02:43:27 am

First, I want to compliment you for sharing SUCH a FABULOUS pattern with all of us. I am in the process of purchasing the fabric for this project and I was wondering if the 2 meters you specify in the directions assumes a 45" width or a 60" width? I know fabric is typically sold with the 45" width but I have been noticing a lot of the double knit/ponte fabrics come as a 60" width. How much fabric would I need to purchase from a 60" width bolt for this project?


2/15/2016 03:13:18 am

Hi Linda! Thanks so much for your kind words, you are very sweet :)
For this dress I do recommend purchasing 2 meters of fabric in the 60" width. Because the skirt is so full, the wider the fabric the better! I will actually clarify that in my post!


2/15/2016 04:34:21 am

That makes perfect sense! Or....would the 45 inch width still work for people that want less fullness? It's just a thought!


2/19/2016 08:09:39 am

Do you have a tutorial for adding sleeves ? Love the dress I just prefer to have my shoulders /tops of arms covered


2/26/2016 03:41:51 am

Hi Tina, I'm in the process of testing a sleeve pattern for this bodice actually! It will have three different sleeve styles and it's going to be a for sale soon :) Thanks for stopping by!



2/23/2016 02:31:08 pm

Thanks for your generosity of sharing the pattern and the time you spent creating such a clear tutorial. I shall try this pattern soon. Greetings from Melbourne, Australia!


2/26/2016 03:49:22 am

Hi Renee! Thanks for saying so and for stopping by!

Colleen Schubert-Woodcock

2/25/2016 11:35:36 pm

Hi, thanks for the pattern! I am having trouble printing it though, is it supposed to be printed in landscape or portrait? landscape it seem to fit better on the page and portrait it looks as if its off the page quite a bit? Is it supposed to look like the whole page isn't going to print?? and when I print it the pages wont' fit together correctly.


2/26/2016 03:49:03 am

Hi Colleen! Sorry you've been having trouble printing. You are right about printing it in landscape. Printers can have such different settings, some things to try would be to make sure the page is printing at 100% scale or that the "Fit to Page" setting is turned off. I hope it helps!!

Colleen Schubert-Woodcock

2/26/2016 10:52:37 am

Thanks for your quick response, I went with landscape and it printed good! Thanks for the free pattern I am going to try sewing it tomorrow!!

Colleen Schubert-Woodcock

2/26/2016 10:58:52 am

Just wondering how you did the arm holes ? I can't seem to figure it out from the tutorial.


2/26/2016 10:23:03 pm

HI Colleen, I'm glad the printing worked out for you!!

So for the armholes, what I did was, Overlock or Zig-Zag the raw edge of the armhole. Next step is to fold a 1/4" of the armhole edge to the wrong side and stitch down. Basically it's a 1/4" Hem around all the raw edges. This works well for the Double Knit or Ponte fabric but won't work as well with a jersey or ITY knit, which are more lightweight. I hope this helps, I would love to see a picture of the dress when it's finished, thelittleststudio@gmail.com


2/27/2016 12:43:38 pm

Thank you for that tutorial and the free patterns. ^^

Colleen Schubert-Woodcock

2/28/2016 11:38:28 am

I have made this dress, but ended up making the waist way too big, I tried sewing it by gathering, big mistake that was. Question for you is you seemed to have done the same thing with this tutorial, am I correct to say you cut the skirt and then sewed i back together, what about the seam? Does it look bad having a seam line in you skirt? or is it not noticeable?

First of all, I want to say thanks for sharing us a wonderful pattern of dress tutorial. it was completely outstanding you did a great job for showing this. Thanks once again.


3/3/2016 09:23:02 am

Hi Melanie

Thank you for this toturial, I would like to try it this weekend and wondered if I needed to add any seam allowance to the pattern, it wasn't mentioned in the tutorial.


3/3/2016 09:42:42 am

Hi! There is a 1/4" seam allowance built into the pattern!
Good luck with sewing! I would love to see a picture of the finished dress thelittleststudio@gmail.com


3/5/2016 02:49:36 pm

Hi There,
I absolutely love this dress pattern, and have the most perfect fabric.

I'm a poufy skirt sort of gal, and am wondering about the crinoline underneath in the second photo. Is it just a skirt slip underneath with the crinoline?Is it similar to the circle skirt in shape, or more a-line or pencil? With just a regular elastic waistband?

Thanks so much! I can't wait to make my own version!


4/14/2016 05:21:26 am

Here is a link to the crinoline I used! https://www.instagram.com/p/3bZB6QgCTo/?taken-by=thelittleststudio&hl=en


3/8/2016 11:01:30 am

HI!, what a beautiful dress!! i can't wait to test it out! question in regards to the printing the template though, can I print it out on standard A4 page? and just keep my scale to fit option offers per the instructions?
Thank you for the free template!, I can't wait to try it out!


3/8/2016 11:04:56 pm

Hi Traci!

I don't think it should be a problem, as long as like you mentioned it's printing the "picture" at 100% Scale. The first page of the pattern has a test square. So you can print off that page only and measure the square to make sure it's printing at the correct size!

Good luck :)


3/19/2016 10:05:17 pm

Merci beaucoup!!! :-)


3/20/2016 02:18:43 am

Hi! I love it but I don't understand smth. You said it needs 2 meters fabric. It is for the dress or for the bodice? Because in other post for the circle skirt you said it needs 2 meters fabric.


3/20/2016 09:28:44 am

Hi Andreea!
For the circle skirt I recommend 2 meters because of how much fabric that style of skirt takes up, however you also have excess fabric from around the skirt which you can use to cut out the bodice. If it's easier try cutting your skirt out first and then cut out the bodice pieces from the scraps.


3/20/2016 12:02:12 pm

Thank you so much for the tutorial! Such a cute dress. Can you explain attaching the elastic to the skirt, its that a two-in-one step process to also attaching the bodice or where exactly is that getting sew on the skirt in comparison to the bodice. Thanks!


3/22/2016 09:18:13 am

Do you need to add a seam allowance to the pattern?


4/5/2016 07:07:54 pm

Love this and can't wait to make it. Just wondering about the elastic in the neck & arms- how vital is it to the dress? Could I do it by cutting and making an interfacing fold over instead? (If that makes sense...?


4/14/2016 05:19:52 am

Hi! I do recommend it if you are using a medium weight fabric because the skirt can be really heavy!


1/13/2017 03:16:51 am

Hi, this dress seems to be very nice - will try it out as soon as possible. One question (I'm a total newbie at sewing ;) )
Can I take another size for the top and the skirt (I would need ~ 35,5" and ~ 27" and so sizes 10 and 8 at the same time... I tend to just doing size 10 but this is too big at both points...)
Or is it possible to just take something like a "size 9" and try to catch the middle between 8 and 10 line everywhere... sorry for my confusion .

And a second question: I need the dress to be a little longer so I want to add some cm at the skirts end . Is that possible too?

Thanks for answering

Greetings from Germany


4/7/2016 02:07:32 am

Does the pattern come with written directions as well as pictures?? I'm a student planning on making this dress for a senior project. I know how to sew with a machine.

LOVE this pattern. I've never actually made any clothing but I'm confident with my machine. I always sew with cotton, would a heavyweight cotton work for this pattern if I adapted the back of the bodice to have a zip? I've never sewed with knit.


4/14/2016 05:23:39 am

Hi! The bodice doesn't have any darts built into it which means unfortunately it can only be for knits!

Good luck!


4/12/2016 10:29:31 pm

Hello! I love this pattern. I wanted to use a material they doesn't have much stretch to it and was wondering how I could ad a zipper to this pattern in order to make it easy to get on and off?


4/14/2016 05:24:54 am

Hi there! Unfortunately this pattern needs to be made with a stretch fabric. It won't fit well if it's made with a non stretch


4/13/2016 07:15:06 pm

Thanks for this lovely pattern, I am hoping to make a dress up this week but could you confirm whether the printed pattern includes the seam allowance or if it should be traced up and added? Thanks so much!


4/14/2016 05:25:46 am

Hi! There is a 1/4" SA built into the patttern! Thanks for reading!!!

Angela Kearney

4/14/2016 06:11:12 pm

Thanks so much. That's fab!

Marie Gournay

4/17/2016 11:49:06 pm

Excellent. Thank you very much.


4/22/2016 04:15:02 pm

I love this design so much! I have been looking for a dress just like this, just a bit of a different neckline. Do you think if I dropped the neckline in the front that I wouldn't need any other adjustments? Just a bit more swooping in the front. I am not sure if this will effect anything else. Thanks!


4/22/2016 09:34:42 pm

Hi! You can definitely change the neckline. The link below shows me doing the exact same thing using this pattern!

Thanks so much for reading!!


4/23/2016 01:31:10 am

Awesome! Thank you for the quick response!!!

Thank you for posting this cool beginner sewing project. I am a senior in high school wanting to make this dress for my senior project which involves sewing at a new level. I am a bit confused on the pictures and the pattern print-out, just putting the pieces together. Can you provide written directions along with the pictures aside them.
Thank you!

This is a great tutorial! Thank you for providing the free pattern. I hope to create one soon. I've included it on my blog in a list of Mother's Day gift ideas.


5/13/2016 08:27:09 pm

Hi Melanie, I really love this dress, it looks so beautiful. But then I wanted to print the pattern, but it never fits to the square at page 7. And because I am from Germany, I wanted to ask, if you maybe used another unit of measurement like me, I measured it in cm, what about you? It would be very nice, if you reply to this question, because if not, I can`t knit the dress:(
Lovely greetings from Germany:)


5/13/2016 10:20:31 pm

Hi Laura,

Thanks for your kind comment! And yes I work in Inches so the square should be 2 Inches by 2 Inches. Also make sure that your printer isn't trying to fit the image of the pattern on the paper. It should be at 100% scale. Hope that helps!

Good Luck with printing:)


5/15/2016 05:54:30 am

Hi! I was wondering what the purpose of sewing the elastic onto the top is. I'm new to sewing and I'm confused by this. Does it reinforce the seams or add to the stretchiness somehow? Do you just sew it right onto the seams? Do you have any advice on what to do if you cut the waist of the circle skirt to big? I was thinking of just making a tunnel for the elastic and scrunching the skirt around it. Thank you!!!


5/16/2016 12:01:08 pm

Hi Destiny,

The reason I add the elastic is because there is so much fabric on the bottom half of the dress, it gets to be really heavy for the bodice to hold. The elastic just adds a little bit of stability that prevents the dress from stretching out over time! It is optional though. And yes I do just sew it right over the seam!


Hey! I love this pattern. I wanted to get your thoughts on an idea I had. My kids gave my husband a Star Wars shirt for Christmas. He doesn't like it because the cotton is too thick. I was thinking I could use the fabric from shirt (using the graphic for the solid front piece, and the back of the shirt to cut the two back pieces) then sew on the skirt. Your thoughts?


5/16/2016 12:03:06 pm

Hi Lauren,

I think that would look fantastic! I would love to see some pictures of the finished dress, either on Instagram @thelittleststudio or Facebook The Littlest Studio

Lauren Tanner

5/19/2016 04:49:47 am

I'll make sure to share! I'm hoping to get it done and wear it to Disney in October.


5/19/2016 01:47:52 am

Hi! This is such a lovely pattern, i am kind of confused about the sizes, do they come in UK or US? Thank you!


6/4/2016 12:00:00 am

I absolutely love this! I am taking up sewing as a new hobby as I love to make things. I'm waiting on my machine to arrive. Very good Tutorial and I that I can print this pattern out!!! Keep it up! The only part I missed is exactly where to put the notches to identify the back and front. Please don't stop these tutorials I'd like to start and continue my sewing journey with you

Bettye Jo

6/6/2016 08:53:55 pm

Thank you soooo much. I have made a number of circle skirts (5 at one time for 12 year olds), but the waist has always been a guess and sometimes has had to be done over. Love your pattern for cutting waist!


6/7/2016 06:47:05 pm

Hi! Thanks for the fabulous pattern! This is my first attempt at dress making, and I have a question that may seem very silly but I just want to confirm; on this pattern it says you need 2m of fabric, and on the circle skirt pattern it also says 2m of fabric. I assume for this dress you therefore need 4m in total? Thanks!


6/8/2016 05:14:46 am

A must try


6/15/2016 02:03:49 pm

Thank you so much for this tutorial! I just made this dress in a little under two hours, so easy to follow and what a great pattern. I want to make a dress in every color its so cute and comfortable!


6/20/2016 06:30:59 pm

Hi! really love this dress! just have one question. My 11 year old doughter really wants this dress but she is very thin. i'm afraid she doesn't fit the skirt. any suggestions to make the waist smaller?

Lilly Rose

3/13/2017 09:11:52 pm

I'm not the creator of this dress, but to make a circle skirt that fits your daughter you would just have to take her waist measurement and divide it by 3.14 if you used inches and 6.28 if you used centimetres, I believe! Fold the fabric twice over and on the folded corner, plot the new measurement (the answer you got by dividing her waist measurement) radiating from the fold corner. It will look like a little quarter circle. Hope this helps. :) Good luck with your dress!

Kelly R Land

6/23/2016 03:32:52 am

Hello there. Had a question, i'm a novice at this, but why put elastic in all the seams??? What does it do if your not stretching it? Thank you!


6/25/2016 11:54:39 am

I'm working on this dress now in a lovely deep purple color! :) This pattern is just lovely! I love classic and clean lines. Have a question though. I have some clear elastic that I bought to reinforce seams for knits, and I"m wondering if that would work instead of regular elastic? The regular elastic IS thicker, however, so it may be a better choice than the clear. Just wondering if you have any thoughts about it one way or the other. One good thing is, if I decide to go with the clear elastic and I find it's not working as well as I'd like, I can always sew on some regular elastic. :)


7/28/2016 10:15:06 pm

Hi Loren,

The clear elastic would work just as well I think! I just use the braided because it's usually what I have on hand. Just adds a little more security to the seams!


7/8/2016 06:42:14 am

The updated version of this dress has a mistake, there are two front pieces, the back piece is now where to found on the pdf.


7/10/2016 06:09:45 am

Hi Celeste! You were completely right! Good eyes, I can't believe I missed that! I updated it with the correction :) Thanks so much!


7/9/2016 06:26:26 pm

Hi Melanie,
I am fascinated with this blog. I learned to sew in the 50ties in high school and even made my sister's formal wedding gown in the 70ties, but have no idea of how to print patterns or what a serger is. ;) This might as well be in another language. You are all genius's. I love this dress and would love to make it for my 16yr old great-granddaughter but it seems above my pay grade @78yrs. lol Keep sewing all of you great women!


8/4/2016 02:55:59 am

I just discovered your blog via Pinterest! I love you concept of making mix & match patterns and I can't wait for more!!


8/22/2016 05:29:28 am

Thanks so much! I can't wait to add more patterns to the collection :)


8/6/2016 03:33:44 am

The grain line for the back piece is clear but does the grain on the front go with the fold or perpendicular to it? Thank you!


8/22/2016 05:29:58 am

Hi! Yes the grainline goes with the fold :) Thanks for commenting and reading!


8/10/2016 01:48:31 am

Love the look of this dress on younger or thinner people. I would love to see a dress with a similar bodice that has a peplum with a straight skirt or pencil skirt attached or separate. Also, would like sleeves any length, I like 3/4 for myself due to very flabby arms from loosing a lot of weight. I am 72 and would like to make a black dress that looks like this. Could you possibly design a pattern like that? Also, V neck is more flattering for me, but the neckline in this dress would work too. Hope you could do this. Thanks so much for what you have done already. Love the dress. Right now my printer is broken so have to get a new one or get this one fixed.


8/22/2016 05:32:03 am

Hi BettyLou!

Thanks so much for your design suggestions! I will certainly keep them in mind as I am currently designing new patterns. Love your idea of the peplum.


8/21/2016 10:04:31 pm

Hi Melanie,

Awesome job on the patterns & tutorial. I'm in the process of making this dress for an upcoming wedding. I do have one question though. Can you add a zipper to the back, so the dress is easier to get on and off? I'm kind of worried about doing my hair and makeup with the dress on.


8/22/2016 05:34:56 am

Hi Shawna,
Yes you can add a zipper, first you will need to add about 1/2" to the centre back just so you have enough seam allowance to put the zipper in! I would also suggest adding a thin strip of interfacing ( about 1") to the centre back seam allowance to add some stability when sewing the zipper.


8/22/2016 10:56:07 am

Awesome, thanks so much for the quick response. Would a fusible interfacing work? I bought some for a bag I'm making & I believe it's for medium to heavy fabrics.i also have some fusible fleece laying around as well.


8/22/2016 10:47:21 pm

Yes a fusible interfacing would work perfectly! The fleece would probably be too heavy.


9/1/2016 02:05:11 am

Hi Melanie,

I have another question. So I started making the top of the dress & im a bit busty. The top just goes out from the boob area & isn't fitting against my body at all. Is there any way to fix that? It goes like an empire waisted dress, but from the boob area..... So you don't see the full shape just really the top. Do I need to put in darts? If so how would I go about doing that?


9/1/2016 11:39:06 pm

Hi Shawna,

I think that the best solution would be to recut the bodice out and add a few inches of length to the bottom of the bodice. I think than there would be enough fabric to stretch the amount you need while having the waist sit where you want! Would you mind sending me an e-mail with the size that you originally cut out that didn't fit properly? I like to have this information so I can make modifications to the pattern to make sure they fit as they should! thelittleststudio@gmail.com

Dorothy Akomea-Barnie

9/8/2016 03:57:22 am

Hi,I downloaded the pattern and I used it and my dress looks good.thanks very much


9/20/2016 10:14:03 am

Thanks so much!

Such a wonderful Pattern. I have got many information from this blog. I am going to try this for my client. Thank you.


9/22/2016 05:54:34 am

hello! I love the idea of making this. I am very new to sewing. i had a couple questions;
1. When printing out the pattern what size paper should i use?
2. is this project very simple for a new beginner?. i am unsure if i i will be able to do it.
3. is it 2metres of fabric to make the bodice and skirt? or is it 2 metres each? 2 for the skirt and 2 for the bodice?


9/22/2016 03:09:17 pm

Thank you for this free pattern. I just bought a serger and was looking for a patternI to learn how to use a server and coverhem machine. It would be helpful for those of us learning to serge if you could suggest what serged stitch to use on the seam and on your patterns. Thanks again!!!

Emma Vervaecke

9/23/2016 11:50:34 pm

Hi, I like your pattern and I would like make this with a zipper.
How should I adjust the pattern?

Annita Emmerton

9/28/2016 02:07:14 am

Great pattern. I made it using a material I think is similar to scuba but I can't be sure as I bought it off the side of the road in Hong Kong and couldn't ask what it was. I put a zip in as well. The slight rigidness of the material I used made for a lovely shape in the skirt. I'll post it on your instagram when I have a photo of it.


10/16/2016 08:17:27 am

This looks like a lovely pattern, I was wondering though why the back is in two pieces and not on the fold like the front? Do you think it would work just on a fold? I'd like to use material that would work better to have just one piece not try and pattern match.


11/7/2016 12:49:37 am

Hello, I was wondering if I would be able to use cotton for this dress instead of the material used above, would this work?

Tyyauna Dean

11/7/2016 11:24:07 pm

Are these in US or UK sizes?


12/2/2016 01:10:42 am


First I want to give you my compliments! It is a very classy and timeless dress. I just made it from you pattern and also with the sleeves. I just have a little problem with the sleeves and I hope you van give me soms advice regarding this. The front part of the sleeves fitted fine, but the back part of the sleeves are very right. This is creating folds on the back when you have the dress on. I made the dress and the sleeves the same size, so I don't know where I went wrong. I hope you van help me with this! :)


12/2/2016 05:27:13 am

Hi Mary, Thank you so much! I think it sounds like a slight fit issue with the sleeves. I would recommend recutting the sleeves in 1 size up, also extend the sleeve cap up 1/2"! Would you mind letting me know what size you made? I try and put all fitting notes in a file in case I need to adjust the pattern!


12/6/2016 12:56:00 pm

Thank you for such a wonderful pattern! Ive been looking at it for months and im about to jump on it for a christmas dress. Just wondering if I can use liverpool? Ive never sewn with ponte or double knit so im not sure if the liverpoolis in the same stretch family. Maybe just size up the bodice?


12/6/2016 11:38:26 pm

Hi! I think Liverpool would work beautifully, I believe they are the same stretch family. If you are concerned then I would try to size up (You can always take it in)


12/15/2016 05:14:22 am

So looking forward to do this beautiful dress! I'm a beginner and still don't quite understand how to attach the elastic. Is it supposed to go straight over the part of the seam that's overlocked? Like it's gonna cover all of the seam allowance?

Cindy Courtney

12/20/2016 11:15:38 pm

Hi: This is going to be a terrific dress for my daughter. But I want to be clear on something: I can sew the bodice to the skirt to make a dress, right? I don't want a two-piece dress, but rather a unified dress.

Thanks again.


12/27/2016 10:14:37 pm

I made this dress and everyone who saw it said "wow". Thanks for a simple yet chic pattern. I will send your pics when I download. Thanks again.
Mary, London


12/28/2016 03:02:11 am

Can't wait to see photos!!!!

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1/23/2017 09:15:54 am

Thank you for an amazingly simple tutorial and pattern. I am definitely going to make this dress.

Excellent post
Thank you for sharing this article.

Thank you for this incredibly amazing blog. This is the right place where there is something for everyone! Thanks for sharing this post..!!

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Nice information.
This dress pattern is excellent.

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2/10/2017 09:49:17 am

I love this pattern .. I have been searching for a bodice pattern and I ran accross your dress pattern . I have a question I looked at the pattern bust measurements . My full bust is 51' and I notice that the pattern goes up to 49' how can I increase it to 2' or I will not need to increase due to the strech fabric suggested? Once again thank you for this beautiful pattern . Looking forward to your reply.

Useful information lot of new thing getting a full of chance and make it easy to understand.

Thank you so much for taking the time for you personally to share such a nice info. I definitely enjoying every little bit of it. It is a great website and nice share.

Thanks for interesting post

Amazing tutorial with pattern cutting, I got an idea of cutting that kind of dresses, keep sharing such a beautiful tutorials,


3/6/2017 01:32:32 am

Sooooooo cool....thanks for sharing this with every one! At forty-seven I still love my twirly skirts :-) I will be sure to try this, and I think I may play around a bit with sizing so I can make one for my daughter too. Just not when she's at home, because hemming circle skirts makes me go a bit swear-y....


3/18/2017 03:13:38 am

Hi lovely dress, thanks for sharing. I notice several people have asked whether it's US or UK sizing but I can't find a response. Perhaps you could clarify or point me in the direction of a measurement chart? Thanks


3/26/2017 04:54:03 am

Thanks for sharing this great tutorial! Made my first dress today & loved it!!

Megan H.

3/30/2017 04:20:39 am

I picked up some ponte knit for this project, a floral print for the skirt and solid white for the bodice, but I just realized the width of each was 58 and not 60. Is that doable or do I need to pick new fabric?


4/6/2017 03:46:32 am

Thanks so much for this pattern! I do have a question about the fit. When I sewn the bodice together it looks a little loose at the front around the armholes, it doesn't fit as nicely as your dress. Is it possible to shape it by adding darts or any other way at this point? Many thanks xx


4/15/2017 05:01:18 am

Just wondering how this would look on a plus size figure. I will have to grade the pattern up one size but a little nervous about how it will fit

I love this type of dresses (been searching for free patterns for a while now, but it was harder than i thought... This is the first one I found that actually looks good), thank you so much for uploading patterns :)


5/17/2017 08:14:36 pm

Hello! Thank you for this - as a really inexperienced sewer I managed this dress no problem. In fact I've now made 2 - one is ponte and one in a heavy cotton jersey. I've just bought the sleeve pattern and am planning on making a third - but I thought for a change I'd make a half circle skirt - can you as an experienced seamstress see any obvious problem with that. I know I'll have to google a different way of calculating the waist radius as your VERY HANDY TOOL won't work on a half circle. But apart from that any pitfalls?

I bloody love your pattern :)

Ainiey Zainal

9/11/2017 12:52:53 am

heyy. I'm really fall in love with this dress. I already download it but i have a question. For the bodice, are we need to cut follow pattern or must leave space maybe a one cm for sewing later? Btw thankyou for the tutorial xoxo


9/28/2017 01:25:56 am

Thank you very much for the free pattern. Can you tell me why the need for elastic at the shoulders and side seams please? I've used a stay tape at the shoulders before but never elastic and I haven't used anything in side seams before. Thank you. I'm looking forward to making this.


10/2/2017 10:45:04 am

I downloaded that pattern and I made the dress!! The first dress I have ever made for myself!!! It looks really good. The only problem is that there is pulling above the bust and the the underarm hole is IN my armpit. What could be the problem? I just need more space under my arm. Thanks.

Hello, Thanks for providing the information. Very helpful one.


11/26/2017 11:34:23 pm

Finally I found back to this page..
I used this pattern to create a top for my weddingdress. I wanted a two piece, and four days before the wedding it wasn't ready, and thekn I found this pattern. Instead of a circle skirt I made it into a peplum and it was perfect under my skirt! I am measuring it to fit my step daughter and making her both peplum tops and dresses. This was a perfect fit! Thank you for making this. It saved my day ♥️


12/15/2017 12:02:33 am

OMG, I don't know how I missed this comment! Thanks soo much for sharing. It means the world to me! <3 <3 Would you be able to send some photos to thelittleststudio@gmail.com?

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Draft Pattern for Easy Little Black Dress Womens

Source: https://thelittleststudio.com/blog/free-pattern-with-dress-tutorial

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